[CS-FSLUG] Call for Writers

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Fri Jun 13 21:47:51 CDT 2008

Hello everyone,
	Open for Business is looking for both one time contributions of  
writings and ongoing contributions on a wide variety of topics --  
technology, philosophy, politics, literature general interest,  
creative works and quite possibly something else that might strike  
your fancy. While I cannot offer payment for contributions at the  
present time, you do get to see your writing show up on a site that  
draws thousands of visitors a year and you can attach a small bio (a  
paragraph or less) which may include a link to your personal web site  
or business. It's fun, you get to interact with people leaving  
comments, and it may even look good on a résumé.

	Interested? E-mail me off list to talk to me about a subject or  
subjects you think you would like to write about or send me something  
you've already written that you think might fit for publication.  
Generally, we look for pieces between 600-800 words, but longer pieces  
may fit on occasion. I provide editing for the pieces before  

	Know someone who would be interested? Please tell them to contact me.


Timothy R. Butler | "Because philosophy arises from awe, a philosopher
tbutler at ofb.biz   | is bound in  his  way to  be a lover of myths  and
www.uninet.info   | poetic fables. Poets and philosophers are alike in
timothybutler.us  | being big with wonder."
                                                      -- Thomas Aquinas

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