[CS-FSLUG] Church Management Software

Micah Yoder yoderm at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 14:52:54 CDT 2008

We really need to define the data set before we get too worked up
about the storage engine.  Like Tim said, I'm an SQL guy, and to me
flat files do seem decidedly more complicated and less robust.

I think churches will want to store info like attendance and offerings
per week, and likely other budget items, and probably other numeric
data.  DBs definitely have an advantage there.

I agree with free-form address entry; much nicer than strict fields,
which can be problematic especially with international considerations.
 But a church will likely want to sort by ZIP code, much easier with a
DB.  And free-form data can be stored in DB text fields.

We also need to figure out if this is going to be single user or
multiuser.  If single user, SQLite is probably just fine.  If
multi-user I think Postgres would really be the way to go.

Distro-neutral .... would be necessary, *unless* we want to deliver a
turnkey system that includes the OS.  There's something to be said for
that too.  Of course we probably don't want to delivery security
updates for everything.

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