[CS-FSLUG] Church Management Software

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Wed Apr 9 00:18:02 CDT 2008

EnzoAeneas wrote:
> I have a good friend who's much like you: he investigates computer
> security, but doesn't want to get into the computer science theory ( I
> am a CS major). He tends to be more pragmatic than I am and I usually
> use him to keep me grounded when I am developing.
> This project needs many people who are not technical, not just for
> other tasks, but also to keep us geek focused on serving the the Lord
> by helping his people, not our own technical pursuits. I apologize if
> I runaway on the technical front. Keep speaking up and I'll stay
> grounded.

It takes us all to get this done. 'Course we do have a few odd-balls who 
use a, cough, cough, MAC, cough. There Tim...I have a cold as well. :)


Fred  "Molon Labe"

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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