[CS-FSLUG] an Intro

Jon Glass jonglass at usa.net
Mon Apr 7 07:21:32 CDT 2008


I just joined this group, thanks to Vincent (Hi!), who recommended it
to me on Mac Ministry. I hope he doesn't live to regret it. ;-)

In any case, I wanted to introduce myself, and sort of why I'm here.

I'm a missionary, church-planting in Krakow, Poland--independent
Baptist, in fact, JFYI. I'm a looong-time Mac user (first used a Mac
SE as a student in 1987, and bought my first Mac in 1992 or 1993,
after living through 3 DOS PCs). However, this past year, I finally
installed Ubuntu (7.04) on my Pismo laptop, and discovered Bibletime.
:-) Since then, I have been able to compile it onto my Mac under OS X,
(as well as numerous other goodies) and don't really use the Ubuntu
partition much--maybe once a week. However, I have found Linux to be
quite useful for installing on older PCs (PPC macs really lack--Flash
and Skype are my big show-stoppers), and have installed Xubuntu and
Puppy on a couple, and played with a couple other distros, in trying
to figure which works best with me. Right now, I lean toward both
Xubuntu and Puppy for the old stuff I've run across.

In any case, I need a list I can come to for help when things seem
weird to me--that, and just moral support. I want to be a blessing to
those to whom the Lord has called me to minister, and enabling people
on their computers to communicate, and even deepen their ability to
study God's Word via their computers is a part of that.

I've been lurking the past couple days, and must say that you all have
deeply impressed me with your spirit and friendship. I hope to someday
become a genuine asset here, even if only in minor things. I cannot
say I'm an expert, or even experienced in all things open-source or
*nix. I only know what I've personally experienced, but I hope that I
can share out of that, as well as soaking in all the good stuff you
all are already sharing!

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>

"I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals." --Jack Nicklaus

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