[CS-FSLUG] Mac and Vista

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sun Apr 6 13:57:14 CDT 2008

Timothy Butler wrote:
>> Microsoft hasn't done too bad in this arena either, at least until
>> Vista. I'll give Apple this, the majority of the software from before
>> the switch to Intel will run through Rosetta, but the difference in
>> performance and the increased heat output from my MacBook bothers me
>> when it does this. I've waited too long for a version of Photoshop
>> Elements that runs natively on the Intel Macs and there has been no
>> delivery.
> http://www.macworld.com/article/132649/2008/03/elements.html
> 	To be sure, the Intel switchover has been difficult, in some  
> respects, but I think they pulled it off about as well as you can  
> change architectures. Most stuff, like Office, is quite usable on  
> Rosetta. More impressive, I think, is how they managed to keep  
> Classic apps running under OS X on PPC. I think clearly the benefits  
> of switching to Intel are paying off for the difficulties (though I  
> still think PPC was a better platform in many respects,  
> technologically).
>> Sure, there's a difference between having programs run slower and not
>> running at all, but I've only had compatibility problems with Vista  
>> when
>> it came to software that integrated into the core components of the
>> operating system (think antivirus and Acronis True Image).
> 	Vista has caused me no end of headaches. Printers not working right,  
> "Express Upgrades" failing miserably, etc. Ack. I'm looking forward  
> to Windows 7. May Windows 7 be another Windows 98.


DON'T hold your breath. M$ has a very difficult time getting anything 
done right. To make matters worse, it APPEARS that Win7 will be modular, 
not monolithic. The ONLY modern modular OS that is stable, secure, 
INCREDIBLY FAST (like real time), and yet has a small footprint is QNX. 
IF I'm putting the bits and pieces together that I hear and read, it 
will be modular and it also WON'T be backwards compatible. Hopefully, it 
will finally force MickySoft OUT of OS witting business.


Fred  "Molon Labe"

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Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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