[CS-FSLUG] OS/2 Anyone?

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Sat Apr 5 22:10:07 CDT 2008

>> Sometimes I wonder where people get their information from. Apple has
> historically broken backward compatibility with new versions of their
> OS, including within different versions of OS X and people have never
> reacted to it the way they did with Vista.

	Apple actually has quite a good history with backwards  
compatibility. Until the Intel switchover, you could run most apps  
written since at least System 7, if not even older stuff.

	Most Mac OS X 10.0 era stuff will still run too. Apple has shifted  
some stuff around in the last few years, but has not really broken  
backwards compatibility.


Timothy R. Butler | "The theologian who labors without joy is not a
Editor, OfB.biz   | theologian at all. Sulky faces, morose thoughts
tbutler at ofb.biz   | and boring ways of  speaking are intolerable in
timothybutler.us  | this field."
                                                       -- Karl Barth

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