[CS-FSLUG] OS/2 Anyone?

Vincent Danen vdanen at linsec.ca
Sat Apr 5 14:03:54 CDT 2008

* [2008-04-05 12:56:41 -0600] Nathan T. wrote:

>Vincent Danen wrote:
>> Well, with Windows 7 supposedly not backwards compatible, I imagine a
>> lot of people will be sticking with XP or jumping ship so that they can
>> continue using their invested software via WINE.  Time will tell.
>I remember seeing an article along those lines on Slashdot a while ago. 
>The only problem was that it was from an unknown source, the site they 
>linked to only had two articles in total that I could find, and there is 
>no reason to believe that any of it was more than wishful thinking. When 
>Microsoft comes out and says that they're going to have drastic 
>compatibility problems then I'll be inclined to believe it; but so far 
>there just isn't sufficient cause for me to think of it as any more than 
>a rumour from a very questionable web-site. Even the Slashdot readers 
>were pointing out that there were to facts to support what the site said.

I don't recall where I read it, but it was just a few days ago that they
were talking about Windows 7 and these compatibility issues.

Mind you, if you look at software compatibility under Vista, which I've
heard can be pretty rough for older programs, then the modular system
they're thinking of for Windows 7 will probably be worse.

Time will tell, of course, but if they *do* go that way, then yeah, I
can see a lot of people saying enough is enough.

Vincent Danen @ http://linsec.ca/
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