[CS-FSLUG] OS/2 Anyone?

Vincent Danen vdanen at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 13:14:35 CDT 2008

* [2008-04-04 12:48:08 -0500] Micah Yoder wrote:

>I was also a big OS/2 fan back in the day.  But now .... why???  It's
>dead.  It will stay dead.  What's the point?
>IBM's botching of marketing OS/2 and subsequent dropping of it is
>really what convinced me to never depend on closed source software for
>anything important.  Regardless of the whims of any company, Linux can
>*never* suffer the same fate!  That's worth a lot to me.

Well, to be fair, you can't entirely blame IBM on OS/2's fate.
Microsoft played a far more important role in killing OS/2 than IBM did.

>The same argument can and should be used to "scare" Windows users to
>moving to Linux.  Although it's unlikely that Microsoft will go belly
>up or abandon Windows, they *can* use EULAs and DRM to force you to go
>the way *they* want you to go.  Linux will never suffer that fate

Well, with Windows 7 supposedly not backwards compatible, I imagine a
lot of people will be sticking with XP or jumping ship so that they can
continue using their invested software via WINE.  Time will tell.

Vincent Danen @ http://linsec.ca/
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