[CS-FSLUG] OS/2 Anyone?

Micah Yoder yoderm at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 12:48:08 CDT 2008

I was also a big OS/2 fan back in the day.  But now .... why???  It's
dead.  It will stay dead.  What's the point?

IBM's botching of marketing OS/2 and subsequent dropping of it is
really what convinced me to never depend on closed source software for
anything important.  Regardless of the whims of any company, Linux can
*never* suffer the same fate!  That's worth a lot to me.

The same argument can and should be used to "scare" Windows users to
moving to Linux.  Although it's unlikely that Microsoft will go belly
up or abandon Windows, they *can* use EULAs and DRM to force you to go
the way *they* want you to go.  Linux will never suffer that fate

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