[CS-FSLUG] Fingerprint system

ehurst at ed.asisaid.com ehurst at ed.asisaid.com
Tue Sep 25 12:12:01 CDT 2007

I'm sorry if I missed something, but I am not able to access my mail
in the normal fashion right now. I tried to read the thread and see if
I could present anything useful. Since it's already established I'm
out on the fringe, feel free to disregard what follows. I don't take
myself that seriously.

David, as one who previously had professional certification in
education, let me assure you the education you could give them at home
would be at least as good if you were nearly brain-dead. ;-)

Seriously, the current education philosophy coming down from DC works
to prevent genuine learning, IMHO. So home schooling is not the
problem; there's lots of good curricula out there you can buy cheaply
and a decent parent's guide goes with the ones I've seen.

The bigger problem will be dealing with the conditioning they've
already received. It's called "socializing" your child. It includes a
subtle assumption the State owns your children; you are merely the
custodial parent on the State's behalf. Local islands of sanity do
exist, but they are increasingly rare.


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