[CS-FSLUG] Quitting my job

Nathan T. celerate at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 23:13:10 CDT 2007

I just wanted to follow up on this rather than leave you all  
wondering what happened to me and my job.

I haven't given my notice yet. I have a co-worker hanging in the  
balance who doesn't yet work the front comfortably, some of the  
software still leaves me ripping my hair out (Simply accounting as  
P.O.S software?! "MIRACLE SERVICE" GRRR!!!). So far replies to my  
resumes have been less than optimistic, one of the other computer  
stores that at one point was offering me jobs is now taking it's time  
to review my resume. I was told that I'd have to come back and kindly  
nag to manager there, no wonder they're down to what looks like their  
last three staff. So far I haven't handed out other resumes because  
dad's starting to get in the way by trying to be helpful, and I most  
certainly don't want to go from a salesman who has to deal with non- 
english speaking computer illiterate people on the phone at a  
computer store from time to time, to being full time phone support  
staff for the local ISP.

What I have done is sent off e-mails to some Canadian Universities,  
so far I've e-mailed Brandon University and U of A Augustana. I plan  
to have e-mails off to Mt. Allisson U in the maritimes, U of  
Saskatchewan, and I'm still keeping my eyes open (although I smaller  
communities that still have work available over sizable cities.

Ps. I'm not keen on crossing any borders to get to university. I have  
settled on computer science as a major because it seems most Canadian  
Universities don't make a distinction between that and software  
engineering, and I haven't yet chosen a minor.

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