[CS-FSLUG] Mandriva 2008.0 disappointing.

Nathan T. celerate at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 11:19:25 CST 2007

I might just give that a try, I've known that the Windows codecs are 32 
bit only and it may be the case with the commercially licensed ones 
Mandriva has as well. If anyone has any other pointers in how I can fix 
other issues I'd appreciate it.

Mandriva could really benefit from encouraging it's user community to 
write up one wiki-style document on how to modify the distribution to 
look and work better, and then incorporate whichever of those 
improvements they legally can into a "service pack" update of sorts. 
Polish is something that's lacking from every first release of Linux and 
Windows, the difference is that Linux updates rarely seem to incorporate 
fixes that aren't for software malfunctions or security holes.


Vincent Danen wrote:
> * Nathan T. <celerate at gmail.com> [2007-12-21 23:31:20 -0700]:
> It's too bad you had such an awful experience with it.  Although, mind
> you, despite having an x86_64 laptop, I still use the i586 version.  I
> find things work much better on the i586 side than x86_64 (nothing wrong
> with the architecture, but when it comes to desktop-ish stuff, I find
> the i586 works better, so all my 64bit machines are running 32bit
> Mandriva (or 64bit Annvix for the servers)).

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