[CS-FSLUG] Hi-Gain Wi-Fi Antennae

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Wed Jun 14 18:55:38 CDT 2006

Hi everyone,
	Has anyone tried a high gain antennae for serious wi-fi range on a  
router? I'm trying to blanket a rather large building and a few  
smaller buildings with access and alternately extend another network  
from one house to another that is 6/10 of a mile away. I was looking  
at a few 9-15 dB boost, high-gain, outdoor antennae that claim to go  
1.5-1.8 miles if placed on the roof top. I'm curious what will  
*really* happen once the marketingspeak is put aside.

	I've looked at something from Hawking Technology as well as  
something called the Super Cantenna (it is a premade version of the  
home-made pringles can antenna for those of us who don't solder).

	Any insight or suggestions?


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