[CS-FSLUG] Blog: Forgot Linux?

Timothy R. Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Wed Mar 30 23:41:24 CST 2005

> You are absolutely right! Windows doesn't come with
> it, MacOSx doesn't come with it and neither does
> Linux. I can also understand how this can become
> frustrating.

	I have no idea about Windows, but you are incorrect about Mac OS X. A 
Mac OS X-based system comes with Apple DVD Player, which will play 
movie DVD's without any effort.


Timothy R. Butler       Universal Networks      www.uninet.info
==================== <tbutler at uninet.info> ====================
| Christian Portal:      | Have you not learned great lessons |
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| GNU/Linux News:        | against  you   and   disputed  the |
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Presently on "Albert" (DP PPC 970 "G5" running at 2.0 GHz)

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