[CS-FSLUG] Why Novell's internal migration to Linux desktops is a landmark story

john-thomas richards jtr at jrichards.org
Fri Mar 25 06:32:48 CST 2005

On Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 07:18:40PM -0800, David Aikema wrote:
> * yash * What's now a linux company (they've been buying up stuff for
> ages) is now getting Linux running internally *yawn*
> I really don't see the big excitement...

It is called eating one's own dogfood.  Imagine going to a Dodge dealer
to buy a car and seeing the salesman drive in to work in a Ford.
Something seems out of place.  If Novell is telling its customers to buy
their Linux distribution to use in business, it makes sense for Novell
to also use it in *their* business.  For them not to is hypocritical.
The excitement is generated because Novell is such a large company and
is moving all its system over to Linux.  Most IT folk are leery of the
transition costs.  Novell is demonstrating these costs are minimal and
actually are *negative* costs (i.e., boost net revenue by reducing
expenditures in licensing and such).
There is no opinion so absurd that some philosopher will not express it.
Marcus Tullius Cicero, "Ad familiares"

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