[PD/TD] Re: [CS-FSLUG] Activist Republican Judge Says CA Marriage Law Unconstitutional

Bob Brown bebrown at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 20:33:35 CST 2005

What if I believe that there should not be full government support for
homosexual marriages and I believe it based upon non-religious
reasons? Does that make my belief more valid?

If it does not then I am the subject of intolerance because my beliefs
are being summarily dismissed based upon a disagreement.
If it does then I am also the subject of intolerance due to my
religious beliefs.

Because a belief is held by people with religious convictions does not
make it wrong.

For anyone to call themselves tolerant, intelligent, and honest and
yet be so filled with prejudice that they summarily dismiss an idea
because it is connected with a religious belief held by the majority
of the citizenry is the purest of hypodrisy.

So, that removes the argument that we must allow homosexual marriage
because the majority of Americans hold a belief opposed to it just for
the sake that it can be considered part of a religious convistion.

Next, let's remove the argument that we cannot impose morality or
beliefs through the court on people who don't believe in it.
There are people who consider rape to be just fine. Should we not
impose our beliefs on them and lock them up?
There are people who believe that fondling children in a sexual manner
is acceptable. Is the judicial system wrong to pass a moral judgment
on them (even if the child is consenting)?
There are people who think that it is a moral right to have proper
weapons for self defense. Would we be passing a moral judgment if we
passed ineffective laws against that?
Most laws are moral judgments, you cannot segregate them based upon
the fact that the group who has moral convictions based in a religious
belief are inherently inferior.

We do not live in a Theocracy, but neither do we live in an Atheist nation. 
The United States is a Democracy made up of the people, by the people,
and for the people. To be automatically bigotted against someone's
beliefs based solely upon their race, creed, or religion is wrong.

Any questions?

Bob Brown

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