[PD/TD] Re: [CS-FSLUG] Activist Republican Judge Says CA Marriage Law Unconstitutional

Leon Brooks xtiansrc at leon.brooks.fdns.net
Sun Mar 20 18:17:29 CST 2005

On Monday 21 March 2005 06:22, Brian Derr wrote:
> I've got to say that I agree with the judge.  Since when is it
> alright to force your views and make them law?

Since when the institution in question is not a civil union, but a 
marriage. If the judge had said that bent civil unions were 
unconstitutional, he would have been wrong. AFAICT, bent marriages 
aren't unconstitutional, but they're not marriages, either. Marriage is 
a religious institution defined by the assorted religions, and 
principally by Christianity, or more specifically what might be called 
pre-schism Judaism or "the Judeao-Christian tradition".

If someone wants to invent Atheist/Materialist marriage principles, then 
perhaps it might be claimed that Adam and Steve can have a "marriage".

Cheers; Leon

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