[PD/TD] Re: [CS-FSLUG] Activist Republican Judge Says CA Marriage Law Unconstitutional

Timothy R. Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Sun Mar 20 18:13:40 CST 2005

I sort of agree with both sides. I personally do not support homosexual 
marriage, but it is probably true that the overturned law is 
unconstitutional. A state needs to amend its constitution (as we in 
Missouri paved the way for doing) if it wishes to codify marriage.

Marriage, by the eons old definition is a union between the two sexes. 
If homosexuals wish to have some sort of union, I think the preferable 
solution is to give it a different name. I don't care if they get into 
such a union, but I want to insure that I'm not forced to pay health 
benefits, etc., to someone in such a union against my conscience.

That is, if it is defined as real marriage, I'm worried it will lead to 
other requirements on those who view it as a corruption of marriage. 
That said, I firmly believe homosexual activity is no worse than any 
other sin, so this isn't any worse than the dozens of things 
hetrosexuals do to damage marriage too. As a whole, we might accomplish 
more by focusing on eliminating no-fault divorce.


Timothy R. Butler       Universal Networks      www.uninet.info
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