[CS-FSLUG] Linux/Samba for a church office

Tim Young Tim.Young at LightSys.org
Fri Mar 11 10:12:26 CST 2005

I have set up Linux as a server for about 20 mission organizations, and it tends
to work fairly well.

The primary complaint with using windows as a domain server has to do with the
complexity of the difference between Linux file permissions and Windows file and
user/group permissions.  To do things right you need to use "winbind" (type "net
grouplist help" at the command-prompt or look at the "groupmapping.html" file in
the samba documentation.   It also helps to know about the smbcacls stuff.  Webmin
can help out with the complexity of the user/group mappings if you tie them
together (under the samba tools somewhere)

My favorite backup tool is "backupedge" by Microlite.  It has the simplest
recovery solution that I have found.  You can walk a church secretary through a
recovery over the phone.  (If you are not going to be there all the time, this is
a good feature)


    - Tim Young

"Scott St. John" wrote:

> Hi Everyone!
> I am working on a project to install a central server and back up system at my
> church.  Currently about 20 users and there is a real need for file/folder
> access to protect data.
> I know about the Windows choices already and I use Linux and FreeBSD in an ISP
> environment, but not in an office environment where I need to control login,
> file and folder access and backups.
> My question is:  is anyone using something other than Windows that people are
> using in an office environment and what is your experience.
> Thanks in advance.
> -Scott
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