[CS-FSLUG] Things that bug me about Linux...

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Mon Mar 7 09:25:57 CST 2005

On Sun March 6 2005 11:01 pm, timbrown at ichristian.com wrote:
> Here's  a question I've been meaning to ask for some time...
> Say I put a second drive in the computer to move data over. Let's assume
> it's  /dev/hdb3 for a name.
> I configure it through Yast partitioner, then create an icon on my desktop.
> It works fine. THEN when I'm done with it, I try to unmount it..."Only root
> can unmount /dev/hdb3" Ok, I understand that.
> But I go to terminal and type umount /dev/hdb3 AS SU and it returns "can't
> unmount, drive is busy". BUSY. BUSY??? How is it busy??? I'm not using
> it!!!
> So, I just power down, unplug the thing, boot up, get the inevitable
> console prompt, run yast, then pico fstab to remove the ref to the drive.
> Then I'm ok.
> What gives?

Have you tried logging out so you are at konsole? You have to change the run 
levels to do that......I don't boot up into a graphic login. If so, then try 
to unmount the drive there, then run "startx" to get back into KDE.


The only bug free software from MickySoft is still shrink-wrapped
in their warehouse..."

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