[CS-FSLUG] [OT] Ozone Hole

JD Runyan Lists at RunyanRants.Net
Wed Dec 7 16:46:14 CST 2005

JD Runyan wrote:
> Timothy Butler wrote:
>> 	Well, I think the point is that it isn't particularly desirable  
>> regardless. But, we've averted this -- so far as I know -- but  
>> eliminating usage of the things that caused the damage to begin with  
>> (CFC's, for example).
> I don't know if it desirable or not. Humans being naturally 
> conservative, tend to not like changes they don't understand. the 
> science that suggests that CFCs influence the Ozone hole is a bit 
> dubious when applied to something as large as the earths atmosphere.
>> 	As to the other comments, there is definite data that we are warming  
>> up, the question is how much of that we are causing -- its all within  
>> the noise of the data. But, nevertheless, I think it is best to  
>> assume are are causing something, and do whatever we can that isn't  
>> terribly impractical economically.
> Sure there is data that says this, and there was data in the 70s that 
> said we were cooling. I have a little more trust in the fact that God 
> created a world that is perfect, and is capable of rejuvenation of 
> itself. It was designed to have cycles. Warming and cooling trends for 
> the whole earth may just be seasons on a global scale. I know that I 
> have seen how quickly the earth reclaims concrete and metal structures 
> once abandoned by man. I have no doubt that the Earth was designed to 
> deal with air borne things as well.
> I agree that it is our job to take care of the Earth. I don't agree that 
> the environmentalists have defined correctly what that is, and thus 
> adopting a more conservative version of their solution is the answer. I 
> think it is best to assume that God is causing something, and that we 
> will have to adapt through prayerful action to the new environment that 
> he has given us.
> Science is the religion of the humanist, and thus I must view all that 
> is presented through my God filter. There is great truth in science that 
> is evidence of a perfect creator, but there is also an unwillingness of 
> mainstream scientists to accept that there is a God, and thus they are 
> more apt to accept fairy tales that separate man from God, and give man 
> much more power than God has endowed us with.
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