[CS-FSLUG] Word Press wrangling

mash. re.mash at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 08:57:01 CDT 2005

"Lucky we didn't say anything about the dirty knife." 

- Monty Python (Episode 3, Resturant Sketch) 

On 8/28/05, Ed Hurst <ehurst at asisaid.com> wrote:
> dmc wrote:
> > Have you tried Thingamablog?
> >
> > It has no dependencies other than Java.
> Well, Sir, I suspect you have no clear picture of the constraints. I
> have the freedom to install such a thing, but it falls outside my
> expertise. I remain rather dependent on my webmaster (Tim Butler) to
> handle far more than I pay him to do, yet he is patient and kind.
> It's been a long time since we posted our bios. Let me introduce myself
> a bit. My calling in the Lord includes a lot of things, but I feel
> neither inclination nor calling to become a webmaster. What one man
> finds easy, another finds endlessly frustrating. You'll probably forget,
> since there are many here, and you are part of many other lists, but I
> consider myself useful in dealing with:
>  - fonts
>  - X configuration
>  - installation and system config (only for user-friendly stuff)
>  - common user experience (non-geek)
>  - FreeBSD as desktop
>  - writing for others how to do these things
> I write about a whole lot things. I'm also useful for a few non-computer
> tasks (such as being a superior woodsman with handtools), but that's not
> the issue here. I'm also ordained to the ministry, but I just imagine
> you are I are of quite different flavors. Just for the record, I was
> once a Social Studies teacher, but I came to despise public education. I
> am still regarded by professional historians as one of their number. I
> refuse to debate, though I may answer a few questions. You probably
> won't like my answers on many things, given your pronouncements. :-)
> Thanks for your suggestion. No, I haven't tried any other blog tool
> offered out there, and I will not. I would simply like to apply a
> temporary fix to the one I now have until I get something truly better,
> written by my own webmaster and our host, Tim Butler. It's called Safari.
> No offense intended, but I have had my fill of political debates on this
> list. Original commentary is wonderful, provided it's thinly scattered
> and short. I prefer things designed provoke thought, not argument.
> Regarding computing, we probably should argue about some things.
> Biblical and faith issues are also on topic, and only when folks get
> catty or personal would I consider calling for a halt.
> This is far more than your comment called for, but I hope to save time
> for you and others in the future.
> --
> Ed Hurst
> -----------
> Applied Bible -- http://users.tconline.net/~softedges/
> Plain & Simple Computer Help -- http://ed.asisaid.com/
> Plain Package blog -- http://ed.asisaid.com/blog/
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