[CS-FSLUG] Apple's Big Virus

David Aikema daikema at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 20:07:21 CDT 2005

Ditto on ignoring the link-only ones.  Can we add a flag in the
subject lines to these, so that people can filter as they feel
appropriate?  I read through more than enough news on a daily basis
already, so these typically end up straight in my trash.  I'm on this
list to follow and participate in discussions, rather than seeking a
source of daily news.

As far as fair use is concerned, IMO (not a lawyer), the first
paragraph or two seems OK to me.  What I would appreciate is if the
person sending the email to the list could perhaps instead write up
their own brief summary of the article.

If an article is important enough to forward to the list, I would hope
that (a) you've read the article, and (b) that you have some reason
for which you think the article is worthy of forwarding (which you can
summarize in a couple of sentences).  If the article is not worthy of
your time, then why is it worthy of mine?

David Aikema

On 4/30/05, Frank Bax <fbax at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Like Fred said at the beginning of this thread, I prefer link plus one or
> two paragraphs.  Help's me decide if I want to fallow link.  I tend to
> ignore a lot of the "link only" ones.  Is that legal?

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