[CS-FSLUG] CrazyChurch.com

Don Parris evangelinux at thefreelyproject.org
Wed Apr 27 09:21:14 CDT 2005

I am not sure if this has been raised in this list (I need new RAM chips for
my head), but CrazyChurch.com is an important site, based on II Cor. 5:13,
that will be launching soon. It's important for a few reasons.  For one,
they are making available the music, sermons, and other materials they
produce in-house gratis and under Creative Commons Licenses.  For another,
they just don't feel like trying to explain to God on Judgment Day why porn
is free on the'Net and sermons are $7.00.  The churches are from Cincinnati
(I learned how to spell it correctly today), Austin, Detroit, and just
outside Atlanta.

I have been in touch with Steve Wexel, a member of Crossroads Community
Church (Cincinnati) and the new Sales chief at Free Software Magazine(.com).
He put me in touch with Brian Wells, the teaching pastor who seems to be
responsible for overseeing the CrazyChurch.com effort.  They actually give
away their service CDs on Sundays (with attendance @ 5,000 or so).  This is
a really cool concept, and Brian and I share the view that Christians should
be leading the charge.

Anyway, this is one site that held up production of PitP for a day, as I
wanted to mention it in the book.  

evangelinux    GNU Evangelist
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"Free software is like God's love - you can share it with anyone anytime

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