[CS-FSLUG] Five Linux Security Myths You Can Live Without

Don Parris evangelinux at thefreelyproject.org
Fri Apr 22 10:33:45 CDT 2005

On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 12:15:37 +0800
"______ Wei-Yee Chan (Made in Chinar)" <survivor at brisnet.org> wrote:

> http://www.linuxpipeline.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleId=160902079
> _______________________________________________

BTW, that really was a decent article.  It provided a much better balance
than the typical fare.  I do know that the Windows gurus on my job are among
the best in the nation - National Gypsum's IT team has received awards for
innovation in e-commerce and security.  One day I chmod'ed a couple of
files on my ministry website from work (had a little downtime), and got a
phone call within 10 minutes. The guy knows me well, and just wanted to be
sure that it was, in fact, me.  Needless to say, I don't do that anymore. ;)

The main thing to remember is that you cannot afford to be slack on security
- regardless of your OS.  GNU/Linux is less susceptible to viruses targeted
at Windows, but probably is just as susceptible to active assaults.  How
well prepared we are for those assaults is what makes the biggest
difference.  When I did security force training in the Corps, our motto was
"complacency kills".  This would be especially true of network security.  Do
not assume your defenses will always "just work" - you have to be thinking

I'm great on strategy - now I just have to practice what I preach. ;)

evangelinux    GNU Evangelist
http://matheteuo.org/                   http://chaddb.sourceforge.net/
"Free software is like God's love - you can share it with anyone anytime

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