[CS-FSLUG] Microsoft's army of lawyers no match for kid from Kent State

Don Parris evangelinux at thefreelyproject.org
Sun Apr 10 16:22:55 CDT 2005

On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 22:26:00 +0800
"______ Wei-Yee Chan (Made in Chinar)" <survivor at brisnet.org> wrote:

> Well, it's a pity, because it really doesn't take a long time to learn
> those easier distributions like Mandrake and Fedora.
It seems to me like he could have made some back-ups of his data - even if
he had to use floppy disks.  That *is* a bit time consuming, but is still
better than losing the data.  I also agree it wouldn't take long to learn
a newbie-oriented distro.  Mepis or something similar would be quite useful.

evangelinux    GNU Evangelist
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