[CS-FSLUG] CSS and Web Standards

Chris Brault groundhog3000 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 9 17:50:58 CDT 2005

Hello all,

I've been toying the PHP and CSS for a while now. At
one point, I simply decided to move from graphical web
designing software to making pages by hand. Not that I
have anything against a good drag-and-drop web design
program using templates, but I felt that a proper
understanding of the underlying code would help create
more efficient pages. Well, in the process of trying
to code pages by hand, I was forced to read alot about
proper web design. I couldn't believe what a
difference some small changes can make.

It took a bit, but I finally began to understand web
design. Now, it's not that all at once I understood
complementry, analogous or tritone colors based on
Gestalt, but after a while, these ideas began to sink
in. Things like eye movement and even the maximum
width of a column started to become important in any

How did all of this begin? I started using Cascading
Style Sheets. Unfortunately, not every browser these
days supports the CSS standard. IE, for example,
simply refuses to support anything beyond basic CSS.
It's a real drag when designing.

I hate having to use tables for formatting or inline
markup crap or meaningless java script just so I can
work around an IE only problem. You figure after SP2
that IE would have come up to par with accepted web
standards. Nope ... they are still working on it (It's
like Longhorn for a web browser, all sparkle and no
real changes). 

Anyways, just a rant about having to dumb down web
pages because IE won't support W3C standards. If only
there was full Firefox support for plugins ...

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