[CS-FSLUG] Console pointer

Ed Hurst ehurst at asisaid.com
Tue Apr 5 21:32:25 CDT 2005

john-thomas richards wrote:

>>Moving my laptop from FreeBSD to RH 7.3, I was wondering if there is a
>>graphical pointer on the console. FreeBSD uses one by default, and I
>>like working on the console a great deal. It's not critical, but nice to
> Graphical?  Heh.
> There are few options available.  Here is a link:
> http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Framebuffer-HOWTO.html#ss5.9

How disappointing! (pun intended)

Yes, the BSD console cursor is a graphical white arrow-head like you see
in some GUIs, and moves smoothly instead of jumping between character
cells. OTHO, I've never been able to have apps receive clicks on the
console, and only recently did someone patch 5.x kernel to allow
something bigger than 800x600 VESA resolution.

Ah, the paradox of tradeoffs.

Ed Hurst
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