[CS-FSLUG] Blog: Forgot Linux?

Nigel Ridley nigel at rmk.co.il
Fri Apr 1 22:34:17 CST 2005

Fred A. Miller wrote:
> On Fri April 1 2005 9:14 pm, Timothy R. Butler wrote:
>>>You win by attrition. I wasn't looking for an expose
>>>on where Linux is lacking ... however, I guess now we
>>>know. That said, perhaps we should get someone to
>>>write the software we want.
>>	Primarily, I was demonstrating why multimedia support -- I think --
>>isn't really a problem even though it is a problem. I agree with Nathan
>>that GNU/Linux is lacking in this area as I was clear in the first
>>parts of the message, but the latter part shows why I generally don't
>>opine a whole lot on multimedia (and then I got off track). Given that
>>multimedia support is key for home users, it seems to me we need not
>>worry about it too much until the system is oriented more to the home
> And, it CAN'T "win" the desktop war until it does have proper multimedia 
> support out of the box.
> Fred
I haven't been following this thread much but I understand the main 
problem is dvd support.
However a lesser known, but still annoying, is the habit of web 
designers using non standard methods of adding multimedia to their 
websites (using <bgsound> and <embed> instead of <object>).
Another issue is the Apache web server's default settings which has the 
mime type set as text and which a lot of admins don't change to the 
various types that will be used on their servers.
Internet Explorer doesn't suffer from either of the above as it doesn't 
bother checking for mime types nor *standards* but checks the actual 
file content (as far as I understand it).

I have just had a problem trying to get Firefox to play midi and wav 
files on web pages -- I had to upgade to the latest version etc. (I read 
somewhere that Firefox now *reads* the first part of a file to find out 
what mime type it is instead of relying on the server supplying the info).

Web standards please!!



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