[CS-FSLUG] LIST ADMIN: Changes to List

Timothy R. Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Fri Apr 1 20:19:36 CST 2005

I see y'all saw through my joke! Alas, it is all too true in my case -- 
I'm looking for a new list admin and host, because I'm going to be 
dropping *nix and moving back to Windows (although not by desire but by 
necessity of certain software).

If no one picks up the ball, the list will go off the air next week.


Timothy R. Butler       Universal Networks      www.uninet.info
==================== <tbutler at uninet.info> ====================
| Christian Portal:      | Have you not learned great lessons |
|      www.faithtree.com | from those  who  braced themselves |
| GNU/Linux News:        | against  you   and   disputed  the |
|            www.ofb.biz | passage with you?   --Walt Whitman |
Presently on "Albert" (DP PPC 970 "G5" running at 2.0 GHz)

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