[CS-FSLUG] How to run a cron script?

Tim Young Tim.Young at LightSys.org
Fri Dec 31 11:20:27 CST 2004

Actually, the better way to do it would be to do a:
/home/jerry/bin/rsync_demo.sh | /usr/bin/logger -t "RSYNC_DEMO"

The main issue is that messages is supposed to NEVER be writable by normal
users.  The reason for this is basically because the log files contain such
important information for finding breakins.  If a hacker breaks into your
computer, they usually try to modify the log files to hide their tracks.  By
changing the permissions of the file you will be making their job much easier.

The logger tool will do exactly what you want.  It sends the results from the
command through syslog, which prepends the appropriate time stamp and
everything.  It should be much more secure.

Question.  Does your command show up in /var/log/cron?  (if you have a cron) That
is where you will see if Cron is trying to run anything.

    - Tim Young

Jerry VanBrimmer wrote:

> You are right about one thing. User jerry does not have write perms on
> /var/log/messages. Would it be okay to allow that, or should I direct
> that output to another log, say to ~/rsync_log ?

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