[CS-FSLUG] Needed: Java Developers for Christian FOSS Projects

Don Parris gnumathetes at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 19:09:23 CST 2004

Hey gang,

Just wanted to pass word that Chris Gebardt, of the InfoCentral
project, is in need of some solid Java devs - preferably with
enterprise experience.

This is an advocacy related call for help.  If we can get some good
developers working on existing projects it would really benefit the
whole community.  Do we have anyone with strong ties to the general
developer community who is able/willing to reach out and try to find
some good brothers and sisters in Christ out there?

(1) We have an evolving community that spans 5 "activist" websites and
includes several smaller development projects

(2) We're preparing a promotional CD and two Christian-oriented Linux
distros are underway

(3) We're gearing up to launch a news portal

(4) We have an on-line helpdesk in place and are working to establish
local support networks (The Freely Luncheon in Charlotte)

(5) We have a need to attract more developers and documentation writers

(6) We have a need to begin a serious marketing/outreach campaign

I'll post this around the other sites/lists, but we could really use
some folks with connections in the developer community and someone to
help the "marketing" side of things.

NOTE:  I posted this the other day, but never saw it appear on the
list.  Hopefully, it''ll get through this time.

DC Parris GNU Evangelist
gnumathetes at gmail.com
Free software is like God's love - 
you can share it with anyone anywhere anytime!

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