[CS-FSLUG] Challenge Question

Ed Hurst ehurst at asisaid.com
Mon Dec 27 20:07:12 CST 2004

This is on my blog, so you can respond there, too.

Your Mission

Let's pretend that someone is offering you a suitable sum of money for a
project. They have 9 computers on an internal network. Due to the nature
of their business, there are no Open Source applications for their
software requirements -- some obscure engineering stuff. Indeed, the
latest release of their software means all their machines will have to
run XP. However, they wish to run a gateway/firewall on Linux/Unix. This
server will also provide mail, with spam-blocking, and PHP/SQL webpage
service. When the technicians are on the road, they need to login and
gain access to the file server (XP) behind the firewall. You may assume
they will login to the gateway first, then login again to the
fileserver. No one else in the whole world needs to even know about
what's behind that gateway server. There will be a static IP and T1 service.

Outline how you would set this up, and respond in the comments. It would
be good if you explain why you favor this or that OS for the gateway.

Ed Hurst
A Bible Site -- http://webs.tconline.net/softedges/
Linux & Unix Help -- http://ed.asisaid.com/
Blog -- http://ed.asisaid.com/blog/

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