[CS-FSLUG] Cable modem and hub setup in Suse 9

timbrown at ichristian.com timbrown at ichristian.com
Mon Dec 27 10:28:43 CST 2004


Well, I finally have broadband here. This computer is working fine but I 
seem to be doing something wrong on another computer. 

I can set up this machine  through the network services control panel to 
access the internet through a Linksys Cable/DSL router with a four port 
switch. However, I am also running a cable from the router to the uplink at 
another hub to  which another Suse 9.1 box is. The DHCP setup control panel 
is getting the right information over thw wire, but I can't find any sites. 

any ideas? 



10 out of 10 people die.

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