[CS-FSLUG] Prayer Request - My Pa

Don Parris gnumathetes at gmail.com
Sun Dec 26 22:33:24 CST 2004

When I got home from church today, we had a call from Pa's house -
Since I had just spoken with him yesterday, I assumed that either my
brother was calling or that something was wrong.  Well, it was both. 
My brother took Pa into the ER with "consistent" chest pains, and he
is staying overnight for testing.

Tyler said he didn't think there was anything serious, but they
wouldn't just let Pa walk out, having had chest pains.  Could be
anything at all, really.

Pa's name is Del.  He lives in West Virginia, and my brother had flown
in from Seattle last night.  I guess it's a good thing he got there
when he did.  Anyway, I just thought I would ask your prayers.  That's
one advantage of this list.  It's not just about Linux or even just IT
- it has a lot to do with fellowship.

Christmas was pretty good otherwise, and I hope yours was as well.

God bless,
DC Parris GNU Evangelist
gnumathetes at gmail.com
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