[CS-FSLUG] An Open Letter to a Digital World

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Thu Dec 23 00:21:50 CST 2004

"As a Linux desktop user himself, system administrator Chris Spencer did not 
relish having to clean up his wife's infected Windows PC after it had become 
compromised. By the time he'd solved the immediate problem, Spencer had 
become so fed up with spyware, trojans, viruses, and spam, that he decided it 
was time to write a letter to the world. It's a simple message: it's time to 
switch from Windows to Linux. "The letter serves as a guide," Spencer 
explains, "taking you through some of the history of Microsoft right up to 
this present day.""


"As Internet technology itself vaults into new areas, so too does the
Microsoft monopoly and its tried-and-true bag of tricks."
-US Senator Orrin Hatch, (R) Utah

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