[CS-FSLUG] Christian FOSS News/Portal Site

Don Parris gnumathetes at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 19:33:08 CST 2004

I'm just curious, does anyone think a Christian FOSS news/portal site
is needed at this time?  Do you think there is enough "news" to
warrant it?  There certainly are enough Christian FOSS projects to
consider the idea.  But what about about a slahdot/christdot-styled

News items could pertain to legal/moral/theological issues, Christian
FOSS dev project releases, reviews of FOSS apps, how-to's, etc.  "Ads"
for Christian FOSS apps could be sprinkled throughout the pages, thus
providing a sort of marketing/outreach channel for Sword and other
projects.  We could allow discussions on the articles, of course, and
produce an RSS feed.  I think it would be really cool to try to
provide multiple languages as well.

Incidentally, I've met a LA-based webdesigner who is interested in
participating in the Christian FOSS "movement" (if it can be called
such).  He's written an article (I'll have to re-discover the link)
about churches using proprietary software illegally, and points to
FOSS as an alternative.  He's interested in the idea of a news/portal
site, and has the will/skill to bring it on-line.  So, the question
is, is there really a need at this time?

Just curious as to everyone's reactions,
DC Parris GNU Evangelist
gnumathetes at gmail.com
Free software is like God's love - 
you can share it with anyone anywhere anytime!

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