[CS-FSLUG] I tried....

Ed Hurst ehurst at asisaid.com
Mon Dec 13 12:10:49 CST 2004

Okay, folks, it's down to the laptop. The stinking Compaq had a dirt
cheap COM port driver that couldn't keep with the kernel. So I was
constantly losing packets on the modem, and it just wasn't worth the
hassle. I couldn't even recompile.

So meet the laptop: Snap. This Gateway Solo 2500 is just about adequate.
It will do until I can get another machine. I won't even try to replace
the mobo; I'll hold out for newer hardware. Pray with me that I don't
get wrist and hand cramps on this tiny keyboard.

I appreciate everyone's efforts to help and advise me.

Ed Hurst
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