[CS-FSLUG] When do you update your distribution?

N. Thompson n.thomp at sasktel.net
Thu Dec 9 22:57:22 CST 2004

Robert W. wrote:

> On 12/09/2004 01:39:54 AM, N. Thompson wrote:
>> No, I'm sticking with Mandrake and Ark which I have now, I'm just  
>> wondering at what point other people decide to upgrade from an older  
>> version to a newer version (of the same distribution in my case but  
>> this can also apply to people switching from one distribution to  
>> another) and why they chose that time to do it, whether its to get  
>> the latest version of whatever application, something they do on a  
>> regular basis, they may simply upgrade out of curiosity or maybe 
>> they  just like to run the latest version.
> So far my schedule has been every other year, because of cost. I 
> can't  afford $70 for SuSE or Mandrake any more often. And I can't 
> stand  waiting any longer to get new versions of applications :)
> This is my year for an upgrade. And I'm going to try Debian Sarge.


Have you ever heard of http://www.linuxcd.org/ there you can get a 4 CD 
set of Mandrake 10.1 at a very good price, they also carry other 
Distributions along with an OpenOffice.org CD and if I'm not mistaken 

There's also http://www.blcds.com/ and while they only sell 3 of the 
Mandrake CD's they also sell an update and contrib CD which can be 
useful to have once a distributor such as Mandrake removes all the 
updates for an old version of their distribution from their server and 
mirrors. Right now these guy's have a special sale on too which you 
might find interesting, for every purchase you make before the end of 
December they will give you a free order of the same value in February 
2005, they also give you a free CD for every 10 you purchase.


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