[CS-FSLUG] Networking details #2 (slapping myself)

Ed Hurst ehurst at asisaid.com
Tue Dec 7 20:15:13 CST 2004

Okay, let's change things just a bit.

First, I don't need most of what we've discussed. I just reread the
Handbook and ran across this:

------------------------------ Using PPP Network Address Translation Capability

PPP has ability to use internal NAT without kernel diverting
capabilities. This functionality may be enabled by the following line in

 nat enable yes

Alternatively, PPP NAT may be enabled by command-line option -nat...

...[to] not trust the outside at all

 nat deny_incoming yes

So, all I need is to insure the two machines communicate over the
switch. I assume my question #1 still applies to that issue.

Ed Hurst
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