[CS-FSLUG] Some questions about Apache

N. Thompson n.thomp at sasktel.net
Fri Dec 3 19:04:10 CST 2004

Right now I'm using Tomcat which is a web server made by the apache folks, it 
bears much similarity with the apache server itself so I'm assuming it will 
also have similar configuration.

Anyway what I would like to do is have my computers hostname and then a slash, 
tilde and the name of a user in order to get to that specific user's 
public_http folder.

It may already be set up for that an I may have the folder name wrong so if 
anyone knows the proper folder name I'd appreciate knowing it, SUSE Linux 
usually has the folder created by default in all users home folders.

If anyone can shed some light on this I'd really appreciate it, right now I'm 
busy digging through the Tomcat documentation for some sort of helpful 
information that will help me to configure it to get the desired result.

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