[OFB Cafe] My Droid Preview

saki tjmc at torhouse.eclipse.co.uk
Mon Nov 2 06:14:18 CST 2009

Jens Benecke wrote:

> thereâ??s something wrong about your or my character set although we 
> both use UTF-8 (according to the mail headers). Can you see my â??German 
> styleâ?? quoting (opening quotes look like two commas)? Or are they also 
> mangled like I see them when you quote me? Screenshot for me:

Same at this end- I get an accented a followed by two white on black 
question marks for your quotation marks.

> They summarized:
> very good business features, but small display, barely acceptable camera 
> quality, and rather bad (phone) sound quality.

We obviously looked at different reviews, although to someone used to 
the screen real estate on other 'phones it might seem small. It does 
give a good seven line text interface, very neat and clear.

As for sound quality, I only use it for voice, and it is again a 
subjective assessment.

> I?m looking at Android but it doesn?t make a finished, polished 
> impression on me yet. Plus, the Android phones I was interested in were 
> just as expensive as the iPhone.

Yes, but I am sure that these will come down rapidly in price as the 
performance and reliability improves, and the number of applications 
increases. I do like FOSS, and have to declare my interest!


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