[OFB Cafe] Great Global Warming Quote:

Donald Spoon drspoon at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 7 18:14:50 CST 2009

 From Jeff Jacoby at the Boston Globe; "Where's the Global Warming?"; 
March 8 2009:
> But for many people, the science of climate change is not nearly as 
> important as the religion of climate change. When Al Gore insisted yet 
> again at a conference last Thursday that there can be no debate about 
> global warming, he was speaking not with the authority of a man of 
> science, but with the closed-minded dogmatism of a religious zealot. 
> Dogma and zealotry have their virtues, no doubt. But if we want to 
> understand where global warming has gone, those aren't the tools we need.
The article is mainly an observation about the lack of Media attention 
to the recent cool weather around the Northern Hemisphere in 2008, 
whereas if the weather had been abnormally warmer it would have been 
ballyhooed as "proof" of Global Warming.  You can find the entire 
article here:  

-Don Spoon-

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