[OFB Cafe] windows (of opportunity)

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Tue Mar 3 20:33:43 CST 2009

Donald Spoon wrote:
> Thanks Terrance, Rick.
> I am not quite as "depressed" as I probably came across in my post.
> Depressed is the correct word, but it is NOT a "Clinical Depression" as
> in how the term is usually used. I am not ready for medication just
> yet!  Maybe "down" is a better term...
> It happens to me about this time every year due to a confluence of the
> winter solstice (lack of sunlight) and a significant event for me in Jan
> 1967. This "baseline" is modulated by other events like the economy,
> elections, holidays, family and the "slings of age". I always start
> perking up about the time the spring blooms and buds start to come out,
> which is right about now down here.
> If you have ever seen Peter Sellers in "Being There" playing Chance, the
> Gardener (later morphed by others into "Chauncey Gardiner"), his words
> of wisdom about the cycle of the seasons seem particularly apropos.  As
> I go through this season of reflection, I once again realize how little
> I know now and knew then, and just how "lucky" I have been to have
> survived this long!  Spring is the season of re-vitalization, according
> to Chauncey, and it has been for me.
> Good idea, Terrance!  A "project" is perhaps what we need to get our
> minds on other things...
> Here is something I became acquainted with last November: 
> http://segs4vets.org/Disability
> I attended the ceremony here in San Antonio, and came away seriously
> impressed with the mettle and courage of those disabled young veterans.
> I would imagine with NATO involvement in Afghanistan, there will be a
> need for similar programs beyond the US.
> Regardless of your feelings on War, these young men and women need our
> help (and respect). This is one way...  The economy may hurt this
> particular effort, but the need is still there...
> Question:  How can we continue to be "charitable" when our funds are
> drying up?  The Charities over here are in for a BIG hit, IMHO.

I don't have any answer.....it's starting now to get tough over here as
As discretionary incomes are reduced, then charities, including churches
get a smaller and smaller piece of that pie.


"The fundamental premise of liberalism is the moral incapacity
of the American people." ~ Alan Keyes

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