[OFB Cafe] John McCain might actually win this thing. Here's how

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Wed Sep 24 16:10:25 CDT 2008

> The conservative media conglomerates (CNN, NBC & Fox) have been
> completely silent on these scams, so it's looking like the GOP might
> steal a third presidential election this year.

	I don't have time to respond to the accusations themselves, but  
Fred... do you seriously expect people to believe that NBC News is  
conservative? Most of their on air personalities willingly root for  
Obama. Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, etc. -- MSNBC is becoming  
infamous for its left leaning HARD NEWS (not even commentary) since  
they put their commentators in the anchor chair.

	Most people I know, Democrats included, would also admit that CNN is  
not conservative. It is far more well balanced than NBC, but it isn't  
conservative by any stretch of the imagination.


Timothy R. Butler | "It may be that  when the angels go about their
Editor, OfB.biz   | task  praising God,  they play only Bach.  I am
tbutler at ofb.biz   | sure,  however,  that when they are together en
timothybutler.us  | famille they play Mozart."
                                                       -- Karl Barth

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