[OFB Cafe] Sarah Palin: She's not ready

Steven Hatfield stevenhatfield at mac.com
Mon Sep 15 06:21:14 CDT 2008

On Sep 14, 2008, at 10:54 PM, Fred A. Miller wrote:

> Timothy Butler wrote:
>>> It is pretty bad when the women of The View vet the GOP ticket more
>>> effectively than the MSM.
>>> They call out McCain on the lies that he has told and continues to
>>> tell right there in front of millions of voting housewives:
>> 	If he is lying, of course...
> He's not.
> Fred

Here Fred, let Mitt Romney help you make that mental leap to the truth:

"I think Senator McCain was called out for what everyone has said was  
a false accusation.... everybody has said what he said was simply  
wrong, reprehensible... I think people are really going to say "What's  
the heart and the soul of the Republican Party going to be going  

I hope you are asking that same question, Fred.


BTW... I want to point out that I am *not* a "democrat". Some of my  
viewpoints are liberal while some of them are conservative. I grew up  
in Nebraska. I believe in the right of people to own guns, for  
instance. My parents were republican (conservative) when I was young,  
but began voting for democrats in the 1970s when they saw the  
republican party had become perverted. My mom once said "it is the  
party formerly known as "republican"".

The republican party today is made up of people waving bibles while  
publicly (and proudly) sinning. It is calling for saving babies while  
sending young men and women to die so that rich people can stay rich.  
Life is precious, no matter the age, and our soldiers are NOT  
dispensable. War should be a last resort, not a preemptive option to  
keep the US dollar being backed by oil. So far, 4,157 American  
children have died so that oil companies could get access to Iraq's  
oil. Was it worth it? Not to you or me, or 4,157 of our countrymen,  
that is for sure!

It's one thing to SAY you are conservative, and something else  
entirely to BE conservative.  Bush, for instance, SAID he was  
conservative - but then again he said a lot of things that later  
turned out to be simply untrue. In other words, he lied. The  
difference between 2000 and 2008? The internet is very pervasive in  
the every day life of many millions of people. YouTube didn't exist in  
2000. People can be called out on their lies, and their statements can  
be recorded and shown to the world on a mass scale.

It is time to stop looking at the associated party and start looking  
at the people who are running for the position. Are they smart enough  
for the job? Do they have the right temperament not to send America's  
children to die for nothing?

At some point you have to vote for the people who not only will swear  
to uphold the US Constitution, but for those most likely to actually  
follow through with it... or the constitution will become just a  
"goddamned piece of paper".


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