[OFB Cafe] OFB's Endorsement for President of the United States

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Wed Oct 29 23:25:18 CDT 2008

Hi everyone,
	Well, the OFB editors consulted together and I present to you our  
presidential endorsement. Not all of us agreed, and one of my  
contributors is working on an op-ed. Stay tuned for that. Note that I  
did the photo shoot for the story. ;-)


	Some of you may also consider this piece written by guest contributor  
Brad Edwards, an Evangelical seminarian, who makes an argument against  
politicking from the pulpit:



PS: As the editor's note says, I welcome contributions on this or  
other topics. I don't promise to publish every contribution, but will  
consider any thoughtful piece, liberal or conservative.

Timothy R. Butler | "Because philosophy arises from awe, a philosopher
tbutler at ofb.biz   | is bound in  his  way to  be a lover of myths  and
www.uninet.info   | poetic fables. Poets and philosophers are alike in
timothybutler.us  | being big with wonder."
                                                      -- Thomas Aquinas

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