[OFB Cafe] Who's Still on Here?

Fred Smith fps at xicada.com
Wed Jun 25 23:24:34 CDT 2008

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 6:12 PM, saki <tjmc at torhouse.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
> I thought we Brits had enough problems of our own. You Americans have to
> go one better with this asinine analysis of reality!
> Or are you just taking the p***, Fred Smith? A little easy satirical fun
> at "liberal thinking"'s expense?

No, if I was poking fun at someone's expense, it'd be like this:

"Hi, I'm an uniformed idiot who calls himself a conservative, even
though I like big government, big military spending, and big, big
debt.  I call everything I don't like 'liberal' or 'communist', even
if what I'm complaining about isn't either."

What about what I said was "liberal"?  Was it the "corporate welfare
like banking and mortgage bail-outs are bad"?  Or was it the "reduce
government size and spending"?  I mean, for years it's been "liberals
want big government and welfare",  But now you're telling me that the
big bad liberals are all for small government and fiscal
responsibility, and that's bad now?  Get your stories straight. Or
maybe, it's just that those liberals are so tricky, they're both for
and against big government at the same time!

Maybe it was "liberal" of me to say that the US has a ridiculously
oversized military that sucks away well over half of my taxes every
year to be spent on things that are just designed to explode. And
maybe it's "liberal" to say that we shouldn't be invading other
countries just because the governments we installed there 30 years ago
aren't working out for us anymore.

> I think the latter- surely no-one with an ounce of logic could really
> think like that!

You've got it backwards kid. Surely no one with an ounce of logic
could support a senile old warhawk like McCain.  4 more years of
domestic spying, uncontrolled military spending, random senseless wars
and unchecked government growth are the last thing that this, or any
country needs.

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