[OFB Cafe] small excitement here

dep dep at drippingwithirony.com
Tue Jul 29 16:03:29 CDT 2008

here's a picture i made a few hours ago (hard to compose while the 
authorities are yelling at you to get the hell out of there. oh, well, 
that's the news biz). thought the little robot dog was kind of cute.

someone put a bomb at the back door of the stewart post office, and another 
at the back door of the guysville post office. this is of the protracted 
attempt to remove the former.

funny thing is, guy i know delivers the sacks of mail to these post offices 
each morning, early. he arrived at guysville, saw the bomb in the doorway, 
kicked it out of the way, delivered his sacks of mail, and went to 
stewart. same thing happened there. then he delivered to the four other 
post offices on his route. then he called the cops. pretty staid folks 
around here.

interesting coincidence: while the world had descended on stewart and 
guysville, somebody robbed the bank in nearby coolville.

ah, excitement.

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