[OFB Cafe] Bio Fuels

dep dep at drippingwithirony.com
Wed Jul 23 18:49:03 CDT 2008

said Derek Broughton:

| I really hope that was heavily sarcastic.  Chris is an urban cowboy who
| happens to have translated all those urban toys to his little corner of
| paradise.  He _might_ survive a collaps of civilization, but not without
| a more drastic change of lifestyle than many of us.

really kinda gotta agree . . . dunno his circumstance, but i live here on 
my nice little self-sustaining farm, where today i cut up some more wood 
for the winter and got the stuff out and ready for the canning that will 
begin in a week or so. i love it when people who have 19 motor vehicles 
tell us about rustication.

and defend that stuff which is to gasoline as corn syrup is to cane sugar.

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